News - Rupert Kogler


Wide views of harmony - New Zealand part X

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Since, as you all probably know already, my main goal is to raise awareness for the importance of wild nature by showing it in my images, it seems important to me to display some of the pictures, of course. Unfortunately I still just cannot find the time to write the articles I would like to here on my website for all my series of images. So I decided to show the upcoming sets of images just with a very few words instead of not showing them at all. Sorry for that. Hope you enjoy the pictures nevertheless and may they hopefully speak for themselves. And of course, your thoughts and feedback are welcome anytime. The series you can see in this blog entry shows a few stitched panorama shots I took during our 2019 New Zealand trip.

Wide views of harmony - New Zealand part X

Strolling around on this beach at sunrise completely alone. Can one ask for more to take a few relaxed images?

Scenes like this really touch me deeply.

One of the mesmerizing arches of the Oparara Basin with an amazing view to the forest.

Quite a perfect place to wake up.

Even though the peaks of the Southern Alps were hidden behind some heavy rain here, the vista is pretty gorgeous anyway.

Another rainbow in the frame. Can you spot it?

Such a pleasure to spend a few days at these peaceful shores with the family.

What a wonderful world this is.

A vertical one to show the lovely window of trees.

If you want to receive a short e-mail notification every time I post any news in my blog on this website, just drop me a line to and I will put you on my mailing list. And of course I will remove you from the list anytime you want me to.

Blue calls

Monday, 24 February 2020

Since, as you all probably know already, my main goal is to raise awareness for the importance of wild nature by showing it in my images, it seems important to me to display some of the pictures, of course. Unfortunately I still just cannot find the time to write the articles I would like to here on my website for all my series of images (I know I mentioned that already a few times before). So I decided to show the upcoming sets of images just with a very few words instead of not showing them at all. Sorry for that. Hope you enjoy the pictures nevertheless and may they hopefully speak for themselves. And of course, your thoughts and feedback are welcome anytime. The series you can see in this blog entry is about the Red Deer rut in Lower Austria 2019.

Blue calls

My first sighting during this trip.

Clearly to hear, hardly to see.

The darker it gets, the more calls one can hear.

Spotlight by the moon.

Pretty lucky to capture this guy in great evening light.

Since it's really tough to even spot the animals, every sighting is pretty exciting.

Misty conditions make a perfect setting for a moody scenery.

Hidden in foggy morning light.

If you want to receive a short e-mail notification every time I post any news in my blog on this website, just drop me a line to and I will put you on my mailing list. And of course I will remove you from the list anytime you want me to.

Fluffy heart

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

During one of my autumn Reed Deer rut trips I was lucky enough to encounter one especially curious and cooperative wild Red Fox in daylight. As I discovered the animal hunting for mice on the open meadow, I approached very slowly and carefully behind some bushes before I finally dared to show myself in a safe distance and laid down on the ground. Finally the fox came so close, that I could hear it breathing and way to close for my lens to get it in focus. Of course, no bait or other attraction (except myself) was used here. All in all I shared about two hours with the gorgeous animal and returned with quite a few unexpected shots. So I decided to dedicate this great encounter an entire little blog entry.

Fluffy heart

One of the first pictures I took, while I was still hiding behind the bushes. The warm evening light illuminated the foliage in fantastic colors.

I still can't understand, how the first thought of so many people about this beautiful animal is killing it ...

Lots of Autumn Crocuses were blooming there at this time of the year and completed the scenery.

A little tricky to set the focus.

It's very impressing how many mice the fox was able to catch during this two hours ... think of it ;)

Finally getting tired.

Since I was laying on the ground I could get a proper angle and I also got some grass for an interesting foreground.

Picking up the scent in lovely evening light.

Such a privilege to share the terrain with a totally relaxed and peaceful wild animal.

If you want to receive a short e-mail notification every time I post any news in my blog on this website, just drop me a line to and I will put you on my mailing list. And of course I will remove you from the list anytime you want me to.

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